International Academy of Science and Art in Bosnia and Herzegovina (IANUBIH) together with Bosnian and Herzegovina Medical and Biological Engineering Society (DMBIUBIH) and Verlab Institute organized second Bioinformatics workshop.
In the period from 3rd to 5th June, second Bioinformatics workshop was held by dr. Riad Hajdarević. During this 3 day workshop, Dr. Riad shared with participants the insights from the bioinformatics mainly focusing on determination of genetic variants. The workshop comprised a combination of lectures, demonstrations, and practical tasks that participants solved independently, followed by discussions to enhance their understanding of these areas.
The workshop was held online with over 70 participants. Many participants from the first workshop joined us during the second one also. Participants expressed satisfaction with the skills acquired and expressed a desire to participate in similar events in the future. Dr. Riad also shared his impressions after the workshop, expressing his positive surprise at the participants' eagerness to advance and learn new things.