
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 2nd International Conference on Chemo and BioInformatics (ICCBIKG 2023) which will be held from the 28th to 29th of September 2023, in Kragujevac, Serbia. Following the success of the first ICCBIKG conference organized by the Institute for Information Technologies Kragujevac in 2021, ICCBIKG 2023 will present an international event that will bring together and foster communication among leading researchers, engineers, and practitioners to share their scientific ideas and experiences with all participants in these fields. The ICCBIKG 2023 Conference will feature keynote speakers, oral and poster presentations, and panel discussions on the latest advances in Chemo and BioInformatics. As well as at our previous conference and this one will offer the ability for participants and speakers to attend online. Physical presence at the venue is much preferable and strongly recommended. Either way, you may decide to attend, it will give us great pleasure to welcome you to Kragujevac which is the fourth largest city in Serbia, and the administrative seat of the Šumadija district with rich cultural and historical heritage. Online access to the 2 nd International Conference on Chemo and BioInformatics) will be made available via the website (http://iccbikg2023.com), with links to the Conference Sessions.

Contact us
  • Ferhadija 27, 71000 Sarajevo
  • dmbiubih@gmail.com
  • +387 33 56 95 40
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